One Hundred Blog Posts! – Dev Blog 100
Wow. What an incredible number of weekly blog posts. I’m quite proud I managed to reach this milestone. To everyone who reads them, or has supported Fringe Planet in any way shape or form I have to say a massive thank you. When I started my game development journey I never expect to meet so many awesome people, learn so much or make so many new friends.
It’s been incredibly humbling the amount of support there has been for the game. Honestly every time I get a question/DM/email/Discord message about it, it makes me smile. So, once again: thank you!
Alas, however, this blog post will contain some mixed news. I had originally planned to release Fringe Planet as an Early Access title at the beginning of third quarter of this year. However, due to a pretty awesome freelance gig I’ve picked up, I’m going to have to change the timeline alas. The freelance gig (which I will refer to as Project X as it sounds cool and eldritch) is an amazing product, but will require me working 4 days a week on it for next 4+ months. With one day a week available to focus on Fringe Planet, I’m definitely not going to get through my backlog before that date. I will be announcing a new release date, probably in a couple of weeks after I’ve worked out what my new momentum will be with this new work schedule. I’m still hoping for a release this year – things are very close but I’m going through a lot of bug finding/polish/balance issues, which all take their time to fix alas.
The good news is that with this freelance work coming in, it should put me in a financial position to release Fringe Planet without having to look for additional sources of funding. Which is a huge relief – for both me and my mental health! Things have been pretty much on the knife edge for a while now – so this freedom to breath is honestly quite an incredible feeling.
As for weekly blog posts, I’m not sure if I should carry on with them, but I do enjoy doing them and literally have a huge database of lore I can sort releasing. Writing blog posts give me the Friday feeling – I know the weekend is here once I hit that publish button.
Now onto Project X – I’m still waiting on contracts and NDAs so I’m not sure how much I can say about it. However, it is an incredibly awesome project which ticks a large number of “oh my god, I’m going to enjoy building this” boxes. I’m working with some incredibly talented developers and business folk to achieve quite an awesome vision. I saw the announcement trailer for it yesterday and it literally gave me tingles.
I initially got involved by creating a proof of concept (that looks as ugly as heck, but demonstrates the vision is completely possible). This week I’ve been adding extra functionality to it, and starting to work out the final form of the architecture that will be powering Project X. I’m incredibly excited about Project X and hopefully in the up and coming months I’ll be able to talk more openly about it.
So before I hit publish, let me just once again say thank you to every who has supported Fringe Planet so far, friends, family, cats and you! I really honestly appreciate it!
There is a lot more to read about Fringe Planet… why not try: