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There is something emerging from The Void – Dev Blog 80

Another week has quite literally flown past. Actually shockingly fast for me. The days have been somewhat of a blur as I’ve alternated between coding, drawing doodles and printing my own graph paper to do sums on. Also, a lot of time spent reading documentation as well. I’ve spent most of my time very focused on the new terrain engine. Which, once again, isn’t quite ready to show to everyone. Mostly due to me under-estimating the complexity of the task. These things to happen in development alas, but it is actually a very handy learning point – it’s always useful to know exactly how long something has taken to develop. You can then use this to more accurately predicate similar tasks based upon complexity.

I’ve also been preparing for my UK Games Fund pitch, which will be the main thrust of work next week – mostly focused on producing the 2 minute video pitch, which should be fun. The nice side effect of recording in game footage (especially  has the look of the game has changed so much in the recent months) – is that I get a bunch more footage that I can share on YouTube and Twitter. Not looking forward to recording two minutes of audio for it though – my previous record of recording two minutes of audio was four hours. It can be a frustrating process at times! Though I will admit, I do thoroughly enjoy putting videos together and playing with ordering and transitions. It’s just getting the sound recorded which is irksome!

Various voxels of different materials

Finally, the Fringe Planet steam store page is getting quite a lot of traffic organically – and the wishlists are growing. Which is awesome. If you are reading this, and haven’t wishlisted Fringe Planet – it would be awesome if you could. Not only does it help with discoverability inside the Steam store, it also helps me gauge the popularity of the game. So feel free to click below and wishlist – and know that I’m super thankful when you do!


(bit of a short blog post this week, I’m desperate to get back to coding!)

Two copper voxels surrounded by stone

There is a lot more to read about Fringe Planet… why not try:

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